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New Blog Design and Hoster!

I decided I was tired of running my blog off of my own server, so I’ve moved to a hosted blog platform, and redesigned by blog a little as well Smile. The new blog is, well, right here! It’s hosted on SquareSpace which is a high-scale blog hosting platform. You might ask why I’m not using an ASP.Net blog system, well the answer is simple: I’m not in the business of running a blog. I hope you enjoy my blog, but I don’t feel a need to invest a lot of time and effort into running a blog myself when I can pay someone else to do it! After some review of the options, this ended up being the best one of those I reviewed. You’ll notice there’s a new design, which is one of the reasons I chose SquareSpace, they have a bunch of really nice templates but more than that, they provide easy customization tools! With only a little bit of CSS, I converted one of their stock themes into something that suited me a little more. All of my previous post should be here, but there were little content glitches during the transfer process. Everything should be there, but some of the older posts might not look as nice Smile

In the same vein, I ported all of the comments over to Disqus, and all future comments will be handled through that service. Again, all the comments should be there, but don’t take it personally if your comment has disappeared! If you encounter any content problems in the blog or comments please let me know!

I’ve also normalized everything to point at the same domain name: All the old links should work, but again, let me know if you encounter one that doesn’t.

The new blog also uses jQuery Lightbox and the latest version of SyntaxHighlighter.js to give it a little more pop. I hope you like it!

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