PsGet v0.2 - Now with more awesome! (and fewer version numbers)

I've just pushed a new version of PsGet out and it has a number of cool new features!

No more version numbers in Module names!

Thanks to both a private patched build of NuGet.exe (this is a temporary fix) and a patch to the main version of NuGet ( - this is the more permanent fix), PsGet's Install-PSPackage script no longer adds the version number to the end of the Module name. So you can name your package files "Foo.psd1" instead of "Foo.".

No more nested module path

PsGet no longer uses it's own nested module path (the packages folder under the PsGet install path). It now installs modules to the same place PsGet itself was installed. The plan for the future is to make install destination settable via a parameter to Install-PSPackage, but for now this seemed like a better default.

Totally Self-Hosted

This version of PsGet, unlike the previous version, has no bootstrapper module and is actually a PsGet package itself (it's even on the NuGet gallery: The install script (see next section) handles install it though, so there should be no need to download it yourself.

Install Script

PsGet now has a bootstrapper install script. Unfortunately there are still more hoops to jump through than I'd like, but it's easier to use than the first version. If you're upgrading from v0.1, go ahead and delete your PsGetBoot folder, it's the easiest way to upgrade. From v0.2 on, upgrades will be handled through PsGet itself!

Here's how to install PsGet v0.2. First, go to our download site and download Install-PsGet.ps1:


Once downloaded, you need to temporarily allow PowerShell to run unsigned remote scripts. Open an Admin PowerShell prompt and type the following command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Then, run the Install-PsGet.ps1 script you just downloaded. You may get a security prompt, go ahead and accept it. Feel free to skim the contents of the file before you run it. The script will download some files, but it will clean them up when it's finished.' You will be prompted to choose where to install PsGet. The installer scans your PSModulePath environment variable and finds all the possible entries. Pick one of these entries using a number in the list:


The script will download a version of NuGet.exe from my site and then use it to install PS-Get. Since PS-Get includes it's own copy of NuGet.exe, the script will then delete this temporary version when it's finished. 


When the script completes, unless you really want to walk on the wild side, make sure you set your execution policy back to the default! If you've never modified it before, that means you should run the following command to get it back to normal: 

Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted

You've now installed PS-Get 0.2! Now, you still have to add it to your profile, just as before (though it has a slightly different name now):


And you're done! Enjoy and please let me know if you have comments!